Sunday, September 14, 2008

Greg's new toys

Since we weren't able to go to Austin this weekend, we ended up doing a little home improvement. The fan in the living room started making a very strange noise the other night. So Greg and I changed it today. This is what we have now.

Oh la la! It's much better than the brass and white fixture that we replaced. And it's very quiet!

I'm sure most people were holding their breath in anticipation of Rock Band 2 coming out for Xbox 360 this weekend. (OK, maybe not!) Greg, Ryan and I went to several Walmarts at midnight in search of the game, but no one had it. So this morning I went to the store by us and had the lady open the shipment from last night. Little did I know that also meant we would need the 120 gig hard drive to save the band's progress. Oh well. At least now I get to listen to different songs! And some that I've actually heard before!

Also, this week Greg decided that he needed a new grill. So we had Ryan and Chris over tonight to play some Rock Band 2 and grill out. And we made smores!!! Mmmmm!

Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!

1 comment:

Christina said...

smores on the grill? Interesting... but I'm intrigued. Great job on the fan Greg. Eric has replaced every fan in our house... so watch out, it has just begun.