Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Let Lent Begin!

I was very impressed with the actual Cross symbol that I got tonight at Ash Wednesday Mass. Normally I just get a blob on my forehead and no one knows what it is. But this guy took his time!
Day 1 of Lent went pretty well. I had no cravings for chocolate...probably because I had chocolate chip cookies and cocoa puffs for dinner last night! Not having meat was probably the most difficult part of today. I'm already planning what type of meat I want for each meal tomorrow!
OK, off to pack for Colorado! Woohoo!

1 comment:

Ross Family said...

It was crazy to see that much snow. Don't worry, you guys will learn the shows soon enough. Our tv is constantly on her little shows and we know it will get worse the older she gets. Hope you guys had a great time in Colorado.