Friday, November 19, 2010


So a couple months ago we bought a Groupon for 4 weeks at Gymboree. I took Brooklyn to one of the play classes a few weeks ago and was a little disappointed because I felt like we could do the same stuff at the mall play area or at the park. I also peeked in on the music class and it was very similar to what we do at the library. But there was one more class that they offer and it was an art class so I thought it might be something we could try. Too bad you have to be 18 months to participate and the Groupon expires at the end of the year. So Brooklyn's birthday was moved up 3 months and we went to our first class today! She did amazing! See for yourself!

The teacher picked out green and pink for Brooklyn to paint with. She was very impressed that this was Brooklyn's first time painting!

We had to get an extension put on for Miss 90th percentile!
Mommy did the gluing and Brooklyn did the feather coloring.

She painted this turkey using a feather and then shook some glitter on!

We also played with cornmeal which took Brooklyn a minute to get in to. She kept brushing off her hands when she touched the cornmeal. Eventually she started playing with the toys and not worrying about getting her hands dirty. We played with Play-Doh for the first time too! What a wonderful experience! I'm getting ideas for art projects at home. Apparently Brooklyn is ready for some!

1 comment:

Mom said...

I think she's the next Georgia O'Keefe with her artistic style! Glad she enjoyed it so much and can't wait to see more.