We went to the lake this past weekend and A.J. and Curt were nice enough to come down and help Greg clear the brush. And we were very fortunate that they came because Brooklyn and I were sick and couldn't help much! All of us have been fighting off something the past few weeks. We're ready for our mini-vaca to Florida this weekend! Woo hoo!
Despite feeling under the weather, we've been pretty busy around here. Brooklyn has begun solids! It's been super fun! She gets so excited when she sees it coming. She actually only likes when Greg feeds her. She just blows bubbles when I try to feed her. These are pictures of her trying carrots and rice cereal.

The picture in the upper left-hand corner is a picture of Brooklyn's rash she had a couple weeks ago. No idea where it came from, but it's gone now! Also pictures of Brooklyn hanging out with uncle A.J., playing with a wrapper and my phone (real toys are boring!) and showing off her standing skills. She's been practicing her standing for a few months now and we've been getting more and more daring (i.e. taking pictures from a few feet away) since she's able to stand now for about 10 minutes with someone guarding!

Greg has a picture wearing a Cardinals' outfit when he was about 6 months old, so we thought we'd recreate it with Brooklyn since she looks so much like her daddy. Here are some of the cute pictures!

We'll have more pictures from this weekend in Florida!
I am so so jealous of your Florida getaway! Enjoy the sun for me. If you go to the beach, I can't wait to see pics of Brooklyn! Have fun!!
She is so cute!! Such a little person with a great smile!! love it. Miss you guys. have a great day -
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