Thursday, October 1, 2009

8 weeks = 8 hours!

Last night Brooklyn slept for 8 a row! It was the first time in a long time that I've been able to sleep about 5 hours straight! She woke up at 4 a.m. and I felt so rested I thought I should stay up and do something! But I went back to sleep! Today we had a great day going to the dentist and a little shopping. We went on a couple walks and took some good naps. Let's hope this sleeping through the night thing keeps getting better and better! I'm beginning to remember what it was like to get a good nights sleep! It was rainy and sunny today (a good combination) so Brooklyn wore a sun hat to cover her head. And she chose pink for breast cancer awareness month! This picture isn't very good, but her chubby chin cracks me up!


Amanda said...

LOVE the double chin. She must be eating good! And hooray for you!! 8 hours is great - and YES, it will get better each night. :)

Anonymous said...

yea... that is SO exciting!! A little continous sleep will go a long way. Although its amazing how quickly you can get used to the lack of it. (of course its not fun)

love the chin... she will learn the chicken neck pose one day that will prevent it. ha ha

- christina

Katie England-Simms said...

She is so cute! Her pink little nose matches her pink hat! Hooray for 8 hours!