Monday, January 26, 2009

Lisa's Grandma Weekend

It's been a while since I've posted, but I can explain! We've been busy traveling out of town and then the laptop had a Trojan horse on it, so we had to take everything off the computer so Greg could reformat it. But it seems to be better now! So on to the blog!

This weekend I just reinforced Greg's thinking that I'm a Grandma in disguise. Last weekend we went to Texarkana to visit family and friends and look at a lake house. (That story is below!) While we were up there, I saw that one of the family friends had the entire collection of the Twilight series. I've heard so many good things about it, so I decided to start reading the first book. Well, I thought I would just be able to read the first chapter and put it down...but it was too good! I read about 100 pages before I could even be distracted by the outside world! So they were nice enough to let me borrow the entire series. I've been reading every spare second I've had since then! I just started the third book and have been staying up way too late at night! I just want to read one more chapter and of course that turns in to THREE more!
Another "Grandma" thing that I learned this weekend was knitting! It's a lot of fun! Greg's mom, her friend and I went to a class and learned all the basics. I think the purl stitch is most difficult to remember. But I'm trying! Who knows, maybe I'll have a full wardrobe for the baby whenever they come! OK, maybe knit outfits won't be the best in August.
And I've been so worn out lately that I've been taking 3 hour naps in the middle of the day! I think I'm going to have to start setting my alarm so I don't sleep that long. Fortunately I'm still tired enough at night to go to bed at a decent hour...if I'm not reading!
So on to the lake house in Arkansas. We finally found one that we liked and the owners accepted our offer! The house has 3 bedrooms and 1 bath (yikes!). But the floor and kitchen are completely redone. It's on 3 acres and borders the Core property, so hopefully we can get a permit for a dock at some point.

My "favorite" room is this bedroom. I swear I almost got so dizzy I fell down looking at this wallpaper. And the other two walls are stripes! I don't know what they were thinking! Even on the computer it makes me nauseous! We're going to remove that this weekend when we're up there to close on the house!

Greg also decided that you can't have a lake house without an ATV. So he got himself one of those as well. They scare me, so I don't know that I'll partake in any of that "fun".

And now what you've all been waiting for...more pregnancy pictures! OK, maybe not. But I decided to put a front shot on for Katie. Just know that I took these pictures with the timer on the camera. That's why it looks like I'm looking down at the camera. It was balancing precariously on Greg's Rock Band drum throne stacked on an Aero bed box. It was quite interesting to say the least. These are the best shots I could get! So here I am at week 12.

We went to a high risk OBG on Monday for 1st trimester screening. Everything looked good and we should get the official results in a couple days. The best part was that the ultrasound was displayed on a 60" plasma! It was awesome! Greg took pictures with his iphone. Hopefully I can download them to put on the blog. I think Greg is going to make us switch OBG's just so he can see all the ultrasounds on the plasma! The screen makes it look like I have a 5-year-old growing inside! Unfortunately the pictures she printed out weren't that good. So we'll just have to wait for the next one from the boring sonogram!


Nicole said...

Wow! so many exciting things in this post...where do I start?! First of all, congrats on the lake house. That is so exciting, and ditto on the dizzy-ing wall paper. It'll be fun to see what you guys do to the rooms!
As for knitting...I've heard it's very awesome, but I am an avid that's what I love. Both are very cool, I'm sure you'll have some really neat stuff made by the time baby gets here! exciting that you got to see the baby on such a big screen!! Is your pregnancy going well?? (since you're at a high risk obg??) hopefully!
You are looking so teeny tiny and adorable!
OH! I know this is a novel, but WELCOME to the twilight universe. I'm glad you're loving it so much. Even when I read them again, I still couldn't put them down. I think Jeff hates those books! :) I'm interested to see what you think of the fourth one!
Okay, novel over. Have a great day!

Ross Family said...

Congratulations on the lake house. You are looking absolutely adorable. You guys enjoy every minute of the pregnancy. Sleep all you can and read all you can because when the little one gets here you have no time whatsoever. Talk soon.